Question cards for team building

Deep conversation starters to learn more about your team.

Our question cards take away the awkwardness out of of striking up a meaningful conversation so you can skip the small talk and connect with anyone at work. 55 unique questions to help break the ice, get to know each other better, and build stronger trust.

Use it as a 5-minute team bonding game to kick-start your daily meetings, as a remote team building activity on Zoom, or to wind down at your Friday afternoon drinks.

Dive into questions about career values, work styles, and sharing personal stories. It's time to cut the small talk and get to know your team a little better.

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QUESTION CARDS FOR bonding with friends


Use our question cards to initiate deeper conversations with your closest friends. 55 unique questions to help break the ice, get to know each other better, and strengthen relationships.

A great game for birthday & dinner parties, perfect for road trips or sleep overs. No small talk questions. Dive into deep conversation topics about life, relationships and self-reflection. It's time to cut the small talk and bring your friends closer to your life.

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a Review by

Stumble Through Podcast

Paula's @stumblethroughpod focuses on life advice and practical skills for young Australian adults figuring life out. 

All about having conversations that carry weight and depth, here's what Paula has to say about her experience with our Close Friends Card Deck:

"It’s amazing how you can know someone for years and still learn new things about them.
Prompts that mean I am learning so much about friends I have known for years." - Paula, Stumble Through Podcast.

Listen to her podcast here.

a review by

What Ate Said podcast

The @whatatesaid.podcast is all about candid convos on life, love & everything in between.

In their final episode of Season 2, 4 close friends took out the Close Friends Card Deck to get into a deep and meaningful conversation through the array of question cards.

"I don't know how you came up with these questions but seriously - gives you more food for thought." - Audrey, What Ate Said Podcast.

Listen to their podcast here.


Question Cards