There is no set way to play these card decks, but here are my suggestions for those playing question cards for the first time:

Classic: Take turns going clockwise. Pick a question card and ask the person sitting opposite you.  

Equalizer: Pick a card and go around the circle. Everyone takes turns to share their answers.

Pick 3 questions then progress through the 3 categories, or pick a question by random.

In the mood for deep conversations already? You can skip straight to the Strengthening bonds questions.


The Breaking the ice category consists of light-hearted, thought-provoking questions, whilst questions from Getting to know one another is intended to learn more about the people you're playing this card game with. 

The Strengthening bonds category, as the name suggests, is the highlight of this card game, and has questions which starts deeper conversations. Diving into your shared experiences and your perceptions of each other.

This isn't a game of speed, so set the expectations then t
ake your time to slow down and think. Enjoy the process of getting to know each other better. What matters is your honesty and active listening.

Feel free to share your feedback with me at - would love to hear about your experience!

Hope you'll learn something new about yourself and your friends through playing this card game,

- Josiah | @josiahlau
